Our Team

Xela Team

We want to be your Personal Real Estate Agent and for that we apply the values that define our company: professionalism, transparency, effectiveness and empathy. Our basic principle of work is the integral assistance in all the operations. Our basic working principle is comprehensive customer support in all operations and our goal is to achive maximum customer satisfaction.

alex perfil

Àlex Travé

Founder Partner, CEO

Des de ben petit a casa meva, he sentit parlar de pisos, de hipoteques, he vist plànols d'arquitectes i he patit crisis i bons moments del sector immobiliari.

We can say that Alex is passionate about the real estate world, he has a global knowledge of the sector and all its related services.

He began his career with a long period in the banking sector, moving later to real estate where he found his true vocation. The experience in several real estate agencies in Barcelona, the management of a franchise and the management of a group of development and construction companies have allowed him to acquire the knowledge and experience necessary for the creation of Xela Properties, Real Estate.

His greatest satisfaction comes when a former client contacts him because they need a real estate professional again or when they request his services because of a recommendation.

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